Superintendent Carol Bradley is new Operations Support Officer with Surrey RCMP


POLICE SURREY RCMP Supt Carol BradleySUPERINTENDENT Carol Bradley is the new Operations Support Officer with Surrey RCMP.

Bradley is responsible for oversight of Member Services, Professional Standards Unit, Training, Media, Detachment Services, Strategic Operations, Special Events/Emergency Planning, and Integrated Regional Services.

Today, Superintendent Bradley is one of 26 female Superintendents in the RCMP and the first female Superintendent to work at Surrey Detachment. However, she wasn’t planning on becoming a police officer until her university days.

“I spent the summer of 1984 working as a Summer Student Constable with the RCMP at UBC Detachment. I had never considered joining the RCMP – it was still considered a non-traditional career for women back then – but my experience working with the RCMP that summer was so positive that I decided to join. Two years later, I became a Regular Member Constable,” says Bradley.

In her 29 years of service, Bradley has served in federal, protective, general duty and traffic roles in four provinces. In addition to operational duties she worked at the RCMP Depot in Regina for 15 years where she held positions in cadet training, recruiting and staffing. In 2006 she was commissioned to the rank of inspector as the officer-in-charge of Applied Police Sciences at the Depot. Bradley also held positions in the North West Region and BC’s South East District, followed by her most recent position as the officer-in-charge of the BC RCMP’s Respectful Workplace Program.

A British Columbia native, Bradley grew up in Victoria and has lived in Surrey for the past two years. She speaks English and French fluently and has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Criminology, Human Resources Development Advanced Certificate, and Certificate in Adult Education.

“Surrey Detachment reflects the community it serves: vibrant, dynamic and diverse. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the strong Surrey Detachment team and this great community we serve,” says Bradley.

“I am very pleased to welcome the first female Superintendent at Surrey Detachment,” says Chief Superintendent Bill Fordy. “Superintendent Bradley has extensive experience in training and staffing and excellent interpersonal skills, all of which will be a significant asset to this detachment as we continue to welcome more police officers to Surrey.”