Racist comments by Liberal MLA Pat Pimm completely repugnant, says Grand Chief Stewart Phillip



A published story in the Globe and Mail on Wednesday reported the views of members of the BC Liberal caucus on the arms-length relationship between government and the Agricultural Land Commission in relation to Bill 24 which would amend existing legislation that would redefine the Agricultural Land Reserve in BC.  In the exposed email exchange, MLA Pat Pimm made racist comments with respect to indigenous citizens, notes the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.

“The comments from MLA Pat Pimm, especially as an appointed member of the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, are completely repugnant, reprehensible and downright racist.  We certainly hope this type of ‘Donald Sterling’ characterization of ‘Indians’ is not a shared view of the BC Liberal Caucus.  To say that Indigenous Peoples do not vote and governments continue to ‘give Indians more money,’ is not only inaccurate but fundamentally discriminatory and bigoted.  The misinformation with respect to the place of Indigenous citizens in this Province is exemplified in Pat Pimm’s comments and we sincerely hope that these sentimentalities are not shared among BC Liberal Caucus members,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC).  “The UBCIC calls for a full apology and a formal repudiation of this shocking comment from the BC Liberal Caucus Chair Michelle Stillwell.”


(Photo: Pat Pimm)